Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Lent 2010

So, here we go! A place to come and "tend: the "in"ward places during Lent 2010. I hope this will be an interactive place to notice how God is moving among us during this season. Share your thoughts as we go by commenting on the posts.

Psalm 51 spoke powerfully to me from the Ash Wednesday "service." I'll re-post it here:

show me your favor
in keeping with your faithful love.
Because your love is so tender and kind,
wipe out my sin.

Wash away all of the evil things I've done.
Make me pure from my sin.
I know the lawless acts I've committed.
I can't forget my sin.

You are the only one I've really sinned against.
I've done what is evil in your sight.
So you are right when you sentence me.
You are fair when you judge me.

I know that you want truth to be in my heart.
You teach me wisdom deep down inside me.
Make me pure by sprinkling me with hyssop plant.
Then I will be clean.
Wash me. Then I will be whiter than snow.

Let me hear you say, "Your sins are forgiven."
That will bring me joy and gladness.
Let the body you have broken be glad.

Take away all of my sins.
Wipe away all of the evil things I've done.
God, create a pure heart in me.
Give me a new spirit that is faithful to you.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. You are God's loved child.

May you feel God's hand firmly upon you, blessing you during this
Lenten Journey.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed that was a powerful Psalm full of 'Holy Fire.' I was struck four times as each of our family spoke a word of truth:

    B - Because your love is so tender and kind,
    wipe out my sin.

    H - Wash away all of the evil things I've done.

    T - You are the only one I've really sinned against.

    E - I know that you want truth to be in my heart.

    We watched as the palm leaves from last year burned up in our! They burn quickly and throw up a lot of light and heat...then they are completely gone. Nothing but ashes as evidence of the consuming energy of the fire.
