Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Too Much Drama

Nothing in life seems to go off without a hitch.

This morning John discovered that the trailer and passenger load would overload the tow vehicle by almost a ton. 2000 extra pounds! And yet he calmly opened Internet Explorer and began searching for a car trailer that would be somewhere close to the current location of the car.

Perhaps I worried enough for the both of us. (That seems to be my role in this relationship.)

But I also prayed. I asked God for guidance and a way out of this sticky situation. And He provided.

When John let out a sigh of relief, I knew he had been a bit worried, too. But he didn't let that overwhelm his ability to tend to the situation. (That seems to be his role in this relationship.)

And I had to wonder: is this What Jesus Would Do? What He DID DO for us as he walked toward the Garden and toward Calvary?

I am such a Martha. I want to be busy worrying the details so that others won't even notice all the little things going on in the background. It's part of what makes me perfect for my job, but leaves me not a little stressed out in my daily life.

"Truly I tell you...." Jesus spoke plainly. He knew what was before him both in his circumstances and in the hearts of his friends. He knew all the drama that would unfold in his last days. And yet he calmly tends to the situation, setting right everything he can, speaking clearly about what was to come.

During this season, how do I slow my pace and my passions so as not to become overwhelmed by the drama of my life? How do I tend to the situations before me calmly and in-tend-tionally? How do I turn my gaze to the one who knows all that is before me?

Lord, help me to slow my pace so I may listen well to your tending!

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