Monday, March 22, 2010

Mind-Body Connection (Station I)

I was mad.

No I was angry.

Actually, I was livid. I swore out loud in front of my daughter AND in public. I was overreacting. I was late for yoga class.

I had a great workout. I was able to go deeper in the poses, feeling things I hadn't felt before. But I did not leave class feeling peaceful like I usually do. While I was able to let go of the feelings of anger, I was not able to release it from my body.

And so I wonder - if it takes me hours to get rid of petty feelings of injustice that are mostly my own issues of not getting what I want at the second I want it -- how was Jesus able to stand, silent, wrongly accused and condemned -- and still travel on to die on a cross? Not for any wrong of his own, but for this hatred that would well up in me 2000 years later over a little comment at the store.


He knew my heart would need some safe place to land -- to be emptied out so that I don't poison everyone in my little corner of the world. He did not spit out words in anger, but knew his place, his call. The work he came to do was almost finished and he could return to the Father who loved him.

And so can we.

In God's presence, I can release the negative and find true peace. I wish that peace for you this Lenten season.

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