Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Good Morning, God

As I drove back into my regular life on Monday morning, I found myself saying my now habitual good morning to God and my thanks for the small things in life - a good car, the shining sun, electric heat, etc.

This Monday I noticed something. I had not said these things out loud all weekend. I had asked for prayer cover, but I had not done the same for myself. My mind tried to go to the usual place of beating myself up over my lack of spirituality, but it was immediately blocked by the thought - it was all covered.

It was all covered.

As I look back, I know that my spirit was praying. And I know that I was awash in the prayers of my community. I was able to focus on my friends and family, tending them in the ways God knew they needed me to be there for them.

Because I live a shared life, perhaps it is not always ME who needs to be on my knees praying. Maybe sometimes my prayers look like making phone calls for an auto part when I was "supposed" to be boutique shopping with my friend. Maybe sometimes my prayers look like listening to a friend talk until midnight about the amazing ways God provides and the enemy tries to tempt.

I don't know if this is true, but it encourages my soul. It gives me encouragement to keep doing the hard work of building a true Christ centered community. I need people to carry me. I cannot cover all the bases on my own.

I need to know it is all covered.

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